Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Information for Inquiring Surrogates
There are so many questions that come up as a gestational surrogate. We hope we have answered them throughout the rest of the website, but if not, here is a section just for you! Here are the answers to all of our frequently asked questions about helping a family to grow through surrogacy in California and Oregon.

I’ve submitted my application. What happens next?
Our staff at Kindred Surrogacy will carefully check your application to certify that it is complete. We will request your medical records for review by one of our medical professionals. We will also conduct a background and criminal history check on you and your partner. If the medical records and background and criminal history check come back clear, we will schedule a home visit with you. At the home visit, our coordinator will go over the surrogacy process with you. You will be given an agreement to sign if you decide to work with Kindred Surrogacy.
Will the baby have any genetic link to me?
No, as a gestational surrogate, the baby is not related to you at all! Isn’t science amazing? To achieve pregnancy, you will undergo in-vitro fertilization. An embryo created by your intended parent(s) will be transferred to your body. Our hope is that it will grow into a beautiful, healthy baby!
How long does surrogacy take?
Surrogates are usually only pregnant for nine months but the whole process from application to birth can take anywhere from twelve months or more. There is the screening stage, legal phase, preparations for embryo transfer, the embryo transfer, confirmation of pregnancy, the pregnancy and finally birth. At any point, there could be an unforeseen obstacle. However, rest assured – Kindred Surrogacy is here to provide you any support and guidance through a monitored surrogacy journey.
What if I don’t have medical insurance that covers surrogacy?
This is not a problem. Intended parents will purchase a plan for their surrogate to use during the surrogate pregnancy. The intended parents will take care of all costs related to this plan.
Can I use my own OB?
At about the end of the first trimester, you will be released from the care of the reproductive endocrinologist (RE), at that time, you can absolutely see the obstetrician of your choosing. Kindred Surrogacy encourages you to select a healthcare provider who you are comfortable with and understands your needs.
Will my name be listed on the birth certificate?
No, gestational surrogates in the state of California and Oregon are not listed on the birth certificate. At around 14 weeks gestation, your intended parents’ attorney will petition the court for a pre-birth order (PBO) allowing the intended parents’ name to go directly on the birth certificate.
What about male-only intended parents like two gay dads or a single father?
California and Oregon surrogacy allows birth certificates to list only one father or mother or two fathers or mothers. California even allows for the parents to be listed as “parent 1” and "parent 2" instead of father or mother. In these situations, the gestational surrogate is not listed on the birth certificate.
What happens after birth? Will I need to care for the baby I carried?
All our intended parents hope and plan to be at the hospital following birth to meet and care for their newborn. We recommend that our intended parents to be nearby the surrogate after 36 weeks gestation. However, if the intended parents miss the birth, due to travel or another issue, an agency representative will be available to be with the surrogate and the newborn. Surrogates do not have to care for the baby. We prefer that our surrogates rest and take time to reflect on this wonderful thing they did for another family.
What if I have other questions?
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 918-625-3338 or email us at hello@kindredsurrogacy.com. We look forward to hearing from you!